thinking driver

This comprehensive eLearning course combines both the Defensive Driving Fundamentals and Attitude courses into one eLearning course. Defensive Driving Fundamentals allows each participant to learn the Five Fundamentals of Defensive Driving. Through a series of videos, quizzes, activities and questions each participant will learn how to improve their driving skills and reduce incidents. Each of the Five Fundamentals is covered in a modular format:

  1. Think and Look Ahead

  2. Anticipate Hazards

  3. Keep Your Options Open

  4. Manage the Risk

  5. Control with Finesse

Defensive Driving Attitudes allows each participant to evaluate how their Attitude can affect how they drive. Through a series of video presentations, self-assessments and exercises the participant learns how to evaluate a situation and consider how their reactions and attitude will affect the outcome. This course covers topics such as pet peeves, stress, anger and risk tolerance. At the end of the course each participant will complete an exam which covers the key points of the Defensive Driving Attitudes course. At the end of the course each participant will complete an exam which covers the key points of the Defensive Driving Fundamentals course